The Hart Technique®

Life Mastery Consulting

Live a Life You...

Absolutely Love!

The Hart Technique® helps develop a mindset that fosters an abundant life. We focus on cultivating a growth mindset to build resilience and adopt empowering beliefs. This approach not only helps you achieve your goals but also creates lasting changes that positively impact all aspects of your life—personal, professional, mind, and body.

Regardless of how your life is right now, with the right knowledge, tools, and skills, along with the proper structure of support, you absolutely CAN find this level of fulfillment NOW.

Does this sound Familiar?

  • There’s never enough time...

    There's so much to do but you just can’t do it all.

  • Constant Overwhelm

    Your mind constantly recites your to-do list instead of focusing.

  • You Crave Life Balance

    Your work-life is successful at the expense of your health and relationships.

  • Perhaps Life is Good

    But you know there is something more—or different—waiting for you.

  • You're Not Living "On Purpose"

    You want to feel more engaged and ALIVE. You want to make an impact.

  • You Feel Stuck

    You're struggling to achieve long-term goals and feel deflated.

Transformational Coaching

Learn how to turn your dream into your reality.

The Hart Technique® utilizes personalized Transformational Coaching to help you improve all aspects of your life. Together, we will identify and challenge limiting beliefs, emotional blocks, and self-imposed barriers that are holding you back. By working on transforming your mindset, you can make lasting changes that will bring greater fulfillment, success, and overall well-being into your life.


Speaking / Workshops

Experience Personalized Real-Time Workshops Tailored Specifically For Your Audience.

Whether it’s a short 10-minute talk, a ‘Lunch & Learn’ training, motivating keynote speech or full day workshop – your professional group, social organization, or any company can be assured of an absolutely transformational experience with lasting results.

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Improve your quality of life today!

Life Mastery
Do you need support in any of these areas?

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Take control of your health and improve your quality of life.

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Mary believes that physical wellness is connected to the mind. By helping clients change their mindset, she has seen incredible results in their overall wellness. A certified Life Mastery Consultant, Mary empowers individuals to live their highest vision and achieve success. She guides them to reach their full potential and live a life they love.

Download My Free Guide

Create an Abundant Mindset

  • Transform your subconscious mind
  • Let go of scarcity
  • Welcome abundance in all areas of life