Is Your Dream Right for You?

It is important that the dream or goal we put our energy into is one that is in alignment with our purpose and core values.

Geoffrey Avert said that,

“The most important thing about having a goal is having one.”

The same goes for your dream. You must first establish your dream, and establish that this dream is a good fit for you before it can be manifested into a reality.

Here are five questions that will help you determine whether or not your dream is right for you…

  1. Do you feel passion for your dream? When you’ve chosen the right dream you will feel emotionally connected to your dream. Thinking about your dream will give you an expanded sense of aliveness.
  2. Does your dream align with your core values? Your dream must align with your core values in order for it to manifest. If your dream is in conflict with your values, it is not worthy of you.
  3. Does your dream allow you to grow?
  4. Do you need help from a Higher Power? If you know all the steps to bring your dream to fruition, it’s not a big enough dream. Dreams are the Universe’s way of helping us grow and expand ourselves.
  5. Is there good in your dream for others? The Universe is always seeking expansion, and a dream that is aligned with your true self will always include some good for others.

Your mind may play host to a myriad of wishes, but you need to distinguish your deepest desire from whims and passing fancies.

You are endowed with the power to choose that dream closest to your heart, and by co-creating with the Infinite, you can embark on a path that will manifest that dream.

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Mary believes that physical wellness is connected to the mind. By helping clients change their mindset, she has seen incredible results in their overall wellness. A certified Life Mastery Consultant, Mary empowers individuals to live their highest vision and achieve success. She guides them to reach their full potential and live a life they love.

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