Accessing Your Genius

There was a study done recently at Harvard called the Zero Point study that was a ten year study on genius.

The genius capacity is demonstrated by certain individuals that bring forth great ideas, transformational thinking, movement, social change, innovative ideas that transform and transpose us to a whole new height of living.

What is this capacity?

The researchers began to define genius as the number of modalities with which one takes in information, synthesizes that information and makes use of it.

You and I have many modalities with which we can take in information – auditorily, visually, kinesthetically, intuitively, etc.

Here is what they discovered:

  • 99% of babies – 99% of you and me – operate at a genius capacity during the first eighteen months of life.
  • By the time we are five, only 22% of us are still operating at our genius capacity.
  • By the time we are twenty only 2% of us are still operating at a genius capacity.

What happens to us?

What they discovered in their research is that the shutting down of our capacities; the distancing of ourselves from our Genius Self happens through the learned voice of internal judgment.

We begin to doubt ourselves. We begin to question ourselves. We begin to look into other peoples’ eyes for who we are; for approval; for permission.

You have genius capacities in you. Today, connect to that genius. Trust your genius, and believe in the power of your dreams.

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The Teller of Life

Will your dream happen? There are two determining factors. A middle-aged man walked into a bank. He approached the teller…

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The Gift of Life

Here’s a great story for you! A group of scientists who having discovered the secrets of cloning decided they would…

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Igniting Your Desire

Making the decision to dream big can be a scary endeavor for many people, and yet it’s the exercise that…

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Mary believes that physical wellness is connected to the mind. By helping clients change their mindset, she has seen incredible results in their overall wellness. A certified Life Mastery Consultant, Mary empowers individuals to live their highest vision and achieve success. She guides them to reach their full potential and live a life they love.

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